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do you need a credit card to pay the 4.99 fee to show which region you reside in?
regards the escort fee,,,,
now we have to pay 4.99 to show our location, please AW owners look at your service providers, we work hard and get charged a facility fee for webcam and phone, the guys get free views of our content and we are charged, free for a system that often plays up, yes I am whining and no I won't work elsewhere but please give us provider some slack I mean sharing 5 quid a day to show location, what a joke
(26-12-2023, 11:42)country-gal1984 Wrote: [ -> ]now we have to pay 4.99 to show our location, please AW owners look at your service providers, we work hard and get charged a facility fee for webcam and phone, the guys get free views of our content and we are charged, free for a system that often plays  up, yes I am whining and no I won't work elsewhere but please give us provider some slack I mean sharing 5 quid a day to show location, what a  joke

The fee is not to show location, the fee is only to change location.