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When I do webcam free view I have a rule that i won't stand up, do a twirl and sit down.

The request comes a lot and i do understand guys want to see my whole body but it doesn't half make you feel like a puppet on a string.

What do people think about this? Am I being stubborn or is this an unreasonable request? (Beaing in mind that in group or private i'll stand up do a twirl sit down do the whole okey cokey if they really want!!)
Absolutely not I take no requests in freeview.

Glad it's not just me then!!
It's a freeview, do what you feel happy with, it's there as a taster, not a whole show.

Liking your new website too Sophie!
I dont stand up twirl either, or id be knackered before I got near group or private.

Also, I don't show my face in free but constantly getting asked for it, 'just a quick peek then i'll book'
(14-08-2011, 17:13)sophie-york Wrote: [ -> ]When I do webcam free view I have a rule that i won't stand up, do a twirl and sit down.

The request comes a lot and i do understand guys want to see my whole body but it doesn't half make you feel like a puppet on a string.

What do people think about this? Am I being stubborn or is this an unreasonable request? (Beaing in mind that in group or private i'll stand up do a twirl sit down do the whole okey cokey if they really want!!)

now that i would love to see u doing the hokey cokey
For me freeview is mainly to see what the cammer is like before going into group or private and for a little introductory chat. Some girls give absolutely no response whatsoever in freeview so I go no further but if the vibes are right then I'll go into group or private to get more intimate!


I agree with hornynomad - if the girl is lively and chatty, I am far more likely to go into group (not bothered with private).
I would also say that, should the opportunity arise, I do ask for more than you would expect in freeview but always take the hint if told no.
If I am asked for a twirl , I just say go to the sweet shop xxx
(22-08-2011, 20:11)penny_peep Wrote: [ -> ]If I am asked for a twirl , I just say go to the sweet shop xxx

I much prefer Freddos personally Penny

I want to see Sophie doing the Hokey Cokey that would be interesting
wonder if she might do the can can as well

I can hope

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