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Full Version: HELP (Verified member no photo id)
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Hi there please can anyone help?? 
I am trying to build my profile sell things also create wish list. 
Now as far as I was aware I was verified member identity photo has been uploaded and confirmed. 
Now a.w are asking for photo id (drivers licence / passport)  witch I don't own either. 
Is there any other option to become a verified member without needing these items.?
Try & look at other threads in the forum for more help, there are similar posts to yours
(19-01-2018, 13:29)Ambelou Wrote: [ -> ]Hi there please can anyone help?? 
I am trying to build my profile sell things also create wish list. 
Now as far as I was aware I was verified member identity photo has been uploaded and confirmed. 
Now a.w are asking for photo id (drivers licence / passport)  witch I don't own either. 
Is there any other option to become a verified member without needing these items.?

As far as I am aware AW have always asked for photographic ID being either a Passport or Drivers Licence so I am not sure how you would go about  not providing one unfortunatly.