Adultwork Forum

Full Version: Hi everyone x
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Hi guys Smile

I've been registered a little while, just dropping in to introduce myself. I'm Sara, live in the North East about 13 miles from Newcastle upon Tyne. Been working for a little over 12 months and can't believe that after being on a/w all that time that I had to be told that this place existed lol!!

Looking forward to getting to know everyone Smile xx
welcome to the forum sara, AW & the forum arent affilated that is probably why

looking forward to u posting
Hi Sara! I'm in Newcastle. If ever you want to meet up for a cup of char, let me know! Are you somewhere gorgeous in rolling countryside?
Hi there

Welcome to the forum

Hi sara

and welcome Big Grin

That'll be why then lol! Thanks for the welcome Smile

It twas you SassyAnn who recommended this site so thank you! I WISH I was in the countryside - I'm in Blyth lol. Just sorting out moving at the mo but it'd be good to meet for a cuppa x
Ah, that'll be why then! I thought you were in Durham. Doh! Silly me.
Char anytime except mornings is good for me!
Hello there Sara and welcome hope you have fun on here
Hi Sara and welcome to the site xxx

Thanks again Smile xx
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