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Full Version: Payment after credits taken.
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Hiya, I hoped you could answer my query please. (Did try to call the number, skype and whatsapp but no reply as of yet) 

How long after the credits are taken out of your AW account, does it then take for the money go in your bank account please?

Thanks Smile
Hi, I had a missed called in the office here just before your post. I tried to call back but didnt get through sorry so it may of been you?

Funds sent at 10:15am on your account. Should be through but we also had another member mention non arrival yet so bank may be performing maintenance.

They have been sent successfully this end though and should arrive your end at some point.

Thanks for letting me know.
(16-09-2017, 16:50)admin Wrote: [ -> ]Hi, I had a missed called in the office here just before your post. I tried to call back but didnt get through sorry so it may of been you?

Funds sent at 10:15am on your account. Should be through but we also had another member mention non arrival yet so bank may be performing maintenance.

They have been sent successfully this end though and should arrive your end at some point.

Thanks for letting me know.

Hiya, thanks for your reply Smile

yes unfortunately they havent arrived yet. Sad And I called a bit earlier than that I think. 

I rang my bank just to double check (natwest) and they said there is no maintainance sheduled for today, i'll keep my eyes posted for the funds arriving. I am Hoping they pop in soon tonight lol.... 

