Adultwork Forum

Full Version: Hello everyone
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Hi everyone!

I just joined the forum and thought I'd say hello.

I've been working on webcam for almost a year now, but I've still got quite a bit to learn.

Welcome to the forum
welcome to the forum papasilver
Hi there

Welcome to forum

Hi there papasilver!

I might be being really thick - no change there then - but on your profile you mention JO. What is that?


Morning Papasilver, welcome to the Forum. Note you have entered the potty house!!
Welcome papasilver

Monty is that another attempt at toilet humour I will have you know that I do not spend all day sitting on the toilet lol
Welcome to the site PS x
(23-07-2011, 01:23)SassyAnn Wrote: [ -> ]Hi there papasilver!

I might be being really thick - no change there then - but on your profile you mention JO. What is that?

Hi!! JO (jack-off) is masturbationBig Grin or; sex with someone you really love.
No problem...thats where I do most of my reading Blush
Oh, so JO = to have a wank.
I do love learning new languages.
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