Adultwork Forum

Full Version: Refund Credits for Movie
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Hello, I bought a movie for £27 that was advertised as 18m duration but when I downloaded the file it was just 1.45m long. I've messaged the very well known user and I've not had a response.

How do I go about getting my credits refunded?

I've spent a fortune on movies over the past two years that I can't watch but this one biscuit .

You'd need to put a request in directly to adultwork. The credits for movies are automatically set by AW based on file size and not duration, so if it's a brand new upload there could be a genuine reason for it. In any case, it's AW which would refund the fee if you make the application to them to do so and they award it in your favour.
£27 for 18 mins??I would be wanting a full box set for that price!x Confused