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Full Version: Amazon banner
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I was surprised to see an Amazon banner on here.
I wasn't able to use them on my website.
Part of their operating conditions state:
We may reject your application if we determine that your site is unsuitable. Unsuitable sites include those that:
- promote or contain sexually explicit materials

My photos are far less explicit than ones on here, so I do find it surprising.
How do you advertise on amazon? I had never even considered it, is it free?
No, you advertise Amazon and join an affiliates programme. I've done it for over websites but not adult ones. If people click through from your website, then you get a % of their spends.
I think you are going to have to show me how to affiliate with AW when we meet up, as I can't work out how to do it. If you don't mind that is Smile
Than can you share with me cos i havent a clue Ann you are so clever sometimes
I've never earned a penny from affliating with AW. I think Zoe said you need to promote them on loads of sites and boards in order for that to be successful. Also you need to be getting people clicking through who are new to AW. That doesn't apply to me most people either find me through AW or are already experienced so are members of AW.

I did do a sticky explaining how to do it, but I'm happy to explain it in person! Kate, I'll be seeing you in London next week. Ems, do you ever get up to Newcastle or do I have to make a pilgrimage to Halifax?
(22-07-2011, 17:57)SassyAnn Wrote: [ -> ]I've never earned a penny from affliating with AW. I think Zoe said you need to promote them on loads of sites and boards in order for that to be successful. Also you need to be getting people clicking through who are new to AW. That doesn't apply to me most people either find me through AW or are already experienced so are members of AW.

I did do a sticky explaining how to do it, but I'm happy to explain it in person! Kate, I'll be seeing you in London next week. Ems, do you ever get up to Newcastle or do I have to make a pilgrimage to Halifax?

The stats on my website show that I have had nearly a thousand clicks from my site on to AW. That really frustrates me, as some of that has got to be worth some dosh.