Adultwork Forum

Full Version: Group Removal
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Admin  has just removed me from my group without my permission!

After making inquiries with admin (lwa) about the possibility of joining Adultworks Finest Models it seems he/she has taken it on themselves to go ahead and actually removed me from my existing group without my consent.

I don't know how they did it but I'm not happy. Has anybody else ever had this issue?

Admin please reinstate my original group ASAP.

Many Thanks
Hi, consent given when form filled out. Thats what the form is for.

You didnt give the go ahead for the other members so thats why it was left as is and wasnt changed. Group still exists.

There is no issues at all.

(01-05-2017, 21:17)admin Wrote: [ -> ]Hi, consent given when form filled out. Thats what the form is for.

You didnt give the go ahead for the other members so thats why it was left as is and wasnt changed. Group still exists.

There is no issues at all.


Hi admin, thanks for the reply but I didn't fill out any form with regard to change of group. The only forms I filled out related to joining this forum and the DailyPay forum.

Are you saying those actions constitute consent to change my group? If that is the case I think it should be made much clearer as I certainly did not realise this, resulting in the misunderstanding.