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Full Version: JustCamIt Issues
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Hey Everyone,

I am hoping someone is able to help me resolve the recent issue I am having on JustCamit  Idea
I have been using JustCamIt for months and have never had a problem but all of a sudden this morning I logged with 0 notifications sounds, when you log in it normally dings till you connect to the server and also it dings when you have a Group or Private request but it seems my JustCamit has totally lost it's ding so I am having to constantly stare at my laptop screen to ensure I don't miss requests.

My audio works perfectly fine, so guys can hear me their end and there is nothing wrong with my speakers as I can play music, watch netflix etc it just seems to be the notification problem.

Has anyone had this problem before or does anyone know how to resolve the problem?

OfficialBrandiFox Heart
Hi, on justcamit, click "chat" then preferences", have a nosey at those settings and see if everything is ok.

Thank you Admin, it seems I was having a very very stupid moment as I had managed to un tick the chat sounds somehow.
Thank you for responding.
