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Full Version: How to enhance a profile
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I have a joint profile with my partner but I am trying to make it more attractive and easier to view. I cannot see anyway of changing fonts or highlighting sections, even under- lining headings and showing them as bold print is so far beyond me . The AW help section has nothing I can see on this .
I may be being a bit thick but any help please would be very welcome


our profile is cum to us 69  if you want to see what I mean
> My details.
> Edit profile.
> Personal details.

Beside the box (to the left) where you type in your profile layout and information is a 'Support BB Code' button. It tells you how to do all the special effects. x
Thank you MsClara, appreciate your reply and I will follow your instructions, will let you know how it goes xx
[quote pid='92329' dateline='1489004905']
it worked really well thank you for the advice, take care x