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Reactivating account with forgotten password - Printable Version

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Reactivating account with forgotten password - northerndoc_2015 - 26-12-2014

Hi all,

I hope someone can help. I deactivated my AW account, as I wanted some time off over Christmas. It lasted about 7 hours before I wanted to reactivate (!), but I have been unable to, as I cannot remember my password.

Is there any way to reactivate when you can't remember your password?

I can't even contact AW without knowing the password. I have set up a temporary account to contact AW, but any questions to the help form will not be sent if they contain topics which the Help service deems to already be answered. So frustrating!

Any help would be great, thanks.

RE: Reactivating account with forgotten password - admin - 28-12-2014


AW may still look at your query even with an incorrect password.


RE: Reactivating account with forgotten password - innocent_girl1 - 05-01-2015

You can still email them your problem even if they deem it has already been answered, there is a button to send anyway. im sure this must happen a lot, dont worry! x

RE: Reactivating account with forgotten password - GeorgieLush - 06-01-2015

Hi Guys I am having trouble as I have been off webcam for around 5 months and have now been taken off as able to provide Webcam services ;( I am really keen to get back to my normal weekly routine on AW however I cant tick the box for providing webcam services ;( anyone help with this at all? x x

RE: Reactivating account with forgotten password - admin - 07-01-2015

Hi, messaged on AW.
