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Bedding - Emily of Halifax - 19-05-2011

What do you guys use, personally I hate the thought of towels to me they give the impression of lie there and dont dare move of it.

I work from home so I have a seperate duvet and pillows for work then I put another duvet cover over the top of that which can be whipped of and changed if there any accidents. I am sure my neighbours must think I am ocd though with the amount of bedding I hang out to dry never mind the amount of towels as well

RE: Bedding - abcdef - 19-05-2011

just use a duvet

RE: Bedding - SassyAnn - 19-05-2011

I use my 2nd bedroom for work and have white duvet covers, sheets, pillow cases and towels dedicated for work. I tend to roll the duvet up and hang it over the end of the bed (or fold it onto a chair), on arrival, so we don't actually use it. Then all I do is wash the sheets and pillow cases after each client and wash the duvets every couple of days.
I'm too embarrassed to hang my washing out. How would I explain the number of white towels I get through? I leave them inside in my laundry room/office to dry.