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A quick question regarding AW + Twitter - Printable Version

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A quick question regarding AW + Twitter - Krystlek - 12-11-2012

I've just started up a Twitter account so I can get a bit of networking done... I know you're not allowed to post a link to your Twitter on your profile page apart from in the links section but are you allowed to say something along the lines of "Keep an eye out on (or.. follow me on) Twitter for live updates on when I'll be on cam"?

Don't want to get into trubs x

RE: A quick question regarding AW + Twitter - Classy_Katy - 12-11-2012

Hi, I just answered on, you can't mention it in your profile.

RE: A quick question regarding AW + Twitter - Krystlek - 12-11-2012

(12-11-2012, 17:27)Classy_Katy Wrote: Hi, I just answered on, you can't mention it in your profile.

Ahh bugger, heh. Thanks for letting me know, Katy