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1st Impressions when the door opens - Printable Version

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1st Impressions when the door opens - simo22 - 16-02-2012

The thrill i expereince when i find the road and drive past the house and decide where to park and lock the car, walk purposefully to the door and FINALLY knock/ring or walk in as arranged is just electrifying and uncomparable to most other thrills i have had. This period from car to door is a heady mix of intense nerves and heightened anticipation. It is the culmination of many processes and the begining of my 'out of body experience' before i return to vanilla and magnolia. A lovely lady who has agreed to act out my fantasy within my budget at a specific time wearing what we said is behind that door. While i was excusing myself from work, the mrs and visiting the cashpoint she was preparing herself. She texted me while i was reading the satnav and i tingled and bristled with pure adrenelin. I have gone thru my pre trip check, (only car key and right cash on me, mint on breath, nails clean, aftershaved face) and the door opens slowly and a warm voice greets me and beckons me inside. I get my first glimpse of her and she looks sensational, i feel a sense of relief, i feel excited, i feel attracted to her, i feel good and glad all over. I get my first glimpse of her and she looks nothing like her profile or had imagined from her voice. I feel conned but as we have everything else in place including me and i have a raging hard on, i go ahead anyway. (to be fair, this happened to me but i ended up having the best 2 hrs ever as she was excellent despite being a stand in for her friend)
Girls, are there times when you see your punter and think just no and send them packing?