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Finding rental properties on AW - Printable Version

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Finding rental properties on AW - familycatt - 15-06-2017

Is there a section on Adultwork for service providers to find rental accommodation. Someone said there was but I cannot find anything there. Thanks

RE: Finding rental properties on AW - Likes-Big-Girls - 15-06-2017

"Other Services" (on the purple menu at the top of the page), then "To Let" (in the list of "Services" links).

RE: Finding rental properties on AW - Jessie45 - 23-06-2017

Just be really careful. I have found good places but also ended up in one who made me share with another girl despite promising me I would be alone.

Some of you may not mind sharing. I absolutely hate it unless it's with someone I know and even although she is good company when I am quiet, I find her in the way when I am busy.

Another girl will not necessarily boost your safety. Indeed she could let somebody in that you would not.

Apart from that, some of them don't even bother to respond to you.