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buggering the cooking up - Printable Version

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RE: buggering the cooking up - English Kate - 13-06-2011

I remember my cousin coming over to say when I was at my grans and she asked her if she would like anything to eat. My cousin said she would like a bean on toast and that is exactly what she served her up. She did have a good sense of humour bless her.

She was from the age when all vegetables were cooked to death and meet was almost cremated. I did love her Sunday roasts though.

RE: buggering the cooking up - Emily of Halifax - 13-06-2011

I've used hairspray instead of deodorant before

RE: buggering the cooking up - SassyAnn - 13-06-2011

Kate it was a big pile of sludge.
My gran used to wake up with bite marks all over her, as she slept on her false teeth.

Crystal I had loads of students staying last summer. The number of times they went out straight from college and 'forgot' to let me know they wouldn't be home is untold. My fridge was like a food museum. The exhibits were discarded on a 24 hour basis.